Monday, 16 April 2018

it infrastructure management service providers

Rackspace recently released a report that clearly illustrates the current state of the IT service support industry:

- It is estimated that 39% of IT staff of companies loses a day/week to solve computer problems and chase suppliers

- Employees lose an average of 5 hours/week due to IT service issues

- 69% of respondents abandoned their IT vendors in the last 12 months due to lack of services

As IT managers, you have two options for your IT Infrastructure support.


Recruit, build and operate your own infrastructure support team. However, you will face the challenge of building such a high caliber team if it does not match your organization's core competencies and strategic direction for the future.


You can also use an outside organization specializing in infrastructure to provide ad-hoc or permanent support. You need on-site, near or off-site support, either in person, over the phone or by e-mail. SP Sysnet offers customized support services under SLA (Service Level Agreements) terms with low service penalties and rewards for exceeding expectations.Because IT Infrastructure is our core competency, we are able to meet the SLA terms successfully.

Read more:  it infrastructure management service providers

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